Benefits and Services
Being a financial Member of the PPTEU brings a wide range of benefits and services that come from your EBA.
Your union negotiates on your behalf:
- Your wage rates,
- penalty rates
- site conditions and amenities,
- RDOs,
- redundancy pay,
- site and other allowances,
- protection against unfair dismissal,
- meal and rest breaks,
- ten days sick leave a year accumulative,
- four weeks of annual leave,
- inclement weather pay,
- OH&S and WorkCover protection and support,
- protection of the trade through registration and licensing,
- picnic day, and
- maintaining apprenticeship-based training.
The PPTEU also delivers the following through your EBA.
PPTEU: Fighting for you
It's easy to take our rights and benefits for granted.
As you look at the long list of benefits on this page remember that each of these had to be fought for. They were were secured for working Australians by union members standing together.
And the fight is not over. Everything that has been won in the past has to be defended today against the people who don't value our labour or our welfare at its proper worth, and who want more for less.
Unions work to defend and improve conditions for all working Australians.
Free Training

Training doesn't finish with your apprenticeship. The plumbing trades are changing. We are at the forefront of the the battle to reduce greenhouse gases and save water and energy.
The Union supports cutting edge industry training that ensures that members are qualified for the projects of the future.
Fire Industry Training

The Union supports Fire Industry Training ("FiT"). FiT is an industry-owned organisation, established in 2008. It is the pre-eminent provider of fire protection training in Australia.
FiT delivers a range of industry specific training at our centres of excellence, where we consistently strive to improve and to fulfil our objective of delivering quality, industry focussed training which benefits all stakeholders. Our success sees us as the preferred provider of apprentice training for all states.
Long-service Leave
Information about long service leave is available in New South Wales from the Long Service Corporation. In the ACT information may be obtained from the ACT Long Service Leave Authority.
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers are one of Australia's most establisled, sussessful and respected law firms. For almost a century, Maurice Blackburn have won legal battles for individuals who have been treated unfairly or injured.
They have been involved in landmark decisions, from the 40-hour work week in 1948 to the largest pain and suffering compensation payout for Mesothelioma sufferer Eric King against James Hardie. They also won the biggest class action settlement in Australian history - $150 million for Centro shareholders in 2012.
For more information about Maurice Blackburn Lawyers vist
Plumbing & Pipe Trades Entitlement Fund

The new Plumbing and Pipe Trades Entitlement Fund is designed for plumbers and sprinkler fitters like you and puts you in charge of your own entitlements. It's powered by Incolink, the oldest and largest entitlement fund in Australia.
That means more money in your pockets from stronger distribution and more support programs that safeguard the future of your industry.
To find out more information please have a look at the PPTEF Member Information or the PPTEF FAQs and also find information about the PPTEF Redundancy, Taxation and Your Entitlements or you can vist their website at
Other Benefits
Simply Finance & Automotive

Best price guarantee on all new cars*
Simply Automotive is here to provide valued Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employee Union members with an exclusive offer: a Best Price Guarantee on all new cars*.
When you're looking for that perfect vehicle, you can trust Simply Finance & Automotive to deliver competitive prices and tailored advice. Their dedicated personal consultants will work closely with you, ensuring you get the best deal possible. Plus, their expert team offers fast, great-value, and personalised solutions, making the car buying process effortless.
Ready to buy a new car? Request a quote today
*see website for terms and conditions.
Car loans made for members
As part of your PPTEU membership, you can benefit from group buying power for discounted repayment rates on your Simply Finance loan. With access to 60+ Australian lenders, Simply secure the finest financing options for you, tailoring them to your specific needs. Apply anytime, anywhere, and enjoy no-obligation pre-approval.
Choose Simply Finance & Automotive as your trusted partner to make your dreams more attainable and affordable.
Ambulance Cover
The Union may pay the cost of members' ambulance transport up to a maximum amount per year. To be eligible members must be financial and meet other rules and requirements.
To read the rules please have a look at our Ambulance Bills - Rules and Application Form
Dual Journey Insurance

The PPTEU has secured Journey Cover travelling to and from work for all financial members from the NON-CONSTRUCTION SECTOR. Please click on the below link for more details;

Under the terms of their EBA your employer must pay superannuation contributions monthly into your superannuation account.
When absent from work as a result of a work related injury or illness or long service leave, your employer must pay a minimum level of contributions as listed in the EBA.
For more information about Cbus Super vist
Plumbing Industry Income Protection Accident & Illness Benefits Program (PIIP)

Plumbing Industry Income Protection (PIIP) Pty Ltd is the distributor of the Accident & Illness Benefits Program for the NSW Plumbing Industry (effective 1 June 2024).
As a worker, if you receive redundancy contributions from a Plumbing & Pipe Trades Entitlement Fund (PPTEF) registered employer and where insurance premiums are paid on your behalf, you may receive access to the insurance and discretionary funeral cover benefits.
Download a copy of the PIIP Accident & Illness Benefits Program brochure.
Please ensure you check the insurance and discretionary covers in place and any terms, conditions and exclusions that may apply.
For more information on how to lodge a claim, click here
For the Financial Services Guide for Plumbing Industry Income Protection (PIIP) Pty Ltd please click here
The Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC)

The Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC) is a unique industry led organisation. PICAC is a partnership supported by the Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union (PPTEU), Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia (MPMSAA), Master Plumbers Association of Queensland (MPAQ), National Fire Industry Association of Australia (NFIA) and the Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors Association (AMCA).
PICAC was formed in 2009 at the height of the millennium drought in Australia. The first PICAC training facility opened in Brunswick, Victoria in April 2009, with the primary purpose to provide courses in Green Plumbing, in order to address the skills shortage in sustainable plumbing within the industry at the time.
Since then, PICAC has evolved and now offers courses supporting the entire career life-cycle of plumbing ranging from pre-apprenticeship and Certificate III apprenticeship courses (Plumbing and Sprinkler Fitting), through to a range of Certificate IV and post-trade courses plus construction industry safety and OHS courses. Through this evolution and expansion, PICAC has become the premier ‘Centre of Excellence’ in training for the industry.
To learn about more about PICAC please go to or talk to your PPTEU organiser.