NSW PPTEU re Fire Protection licensing

This is a very positive development for our current and future fire protection members; and shows that the PPTEU is driving positive change at a regulatory and policy level in NSW. We are “at the table”, and we are being heard.
As members may be aware, the Minns Government is doing what it promised it would do and is undertaking a wholesale review of the regulatory framework for the building and construction sector in NSW.
The goal, which we strongly support, is to create a regulatory framework for NSW which reflects modern industry practice; is effective and efficient in terms of preventing non-compliance; reflects the skills and qualifications of key trades like our members; and better protects consumers and the community.
The Government is committed to bringing all the fragmented existing legislation and regulation which covers various aspects of building and construction work together into a whole of sector Building Bill.
This includes the critically important area of fire safety work. The Building Commission NSW has designed a comprehensive process for fire safety systems to create a single end-to-end framework with a clear chain of responsibility.
The new framework has been informed by extensive consultation and addresses the risks associated with fire safety which have been running since last year. We have played a leading role in that process.
A proposed new licensing model for Fire Safety work – NSW
A key feature of the proposed new framework for fire safety is the creation of a new, stand-alone, license for water-based fire protection work. This is something we have been pushing hard for and we are very pleased to see the Government is listening.
This change will mean the existing restricted licence classes for water plumbing – fire protection systems and water plumbing – fire sprinkler systems will be retired. And, where possible, licence holders will be transitioned to the new Plumbing limited (hydraulic fire) licence.
This will bring the NSW regulatory framework for fire broadly into line with the arrangements in Queensland and Victoria. It will help increase the quality and safety of fire protection work in NSW, which will make the community and the built environment safer than it is today.
What will it cover?
The proposed new licensing model would mean that water-based fire protection work would be recognised as specialist work, and practitioners would be required to hold a specialist licence to carry out wok on prescribed fire safety systems.
These systems are:
• automatic fire sprinkler systems, including wall-wetting sprinklers and drenchers
• fire hose reels
• fire hydrant systems
Under the proposal from the Building Commission, the scope of works for this licence will capture installation, maintenance and repair work on new and existing water-based fire safety systems. It will cover the entire water-based fire safety system, including every individual hydrant/hose reel/sprinkler measure, but ending at the point of protection of the potable water supply/backflow prevention device.
Transition arrangements
Further consultation with industry will be undertaken to determine a suitable transition period (likely to be several years) following commencement of the proposed Building Bill.
We anticipate that during the transition period, persons holding any licence class authorising water plumbing work, or persons holding one of the existing restricted water plumbing licence classes will continue to be permitted to install or maintain water-based fire safety systems.
What happens next?
At the moment what we have is a proposal. There is still detail to be worked through around the criteria for competency assessments and transition pathways, and these details will be worked through with stakeholders, including h PPTEU, over the coming months.
The proposed Building Bill, of which fire safety is just one part, is yet to go before the NSW Parliament, and the supporting and enabling Regulations are yet to be developed or settled. So, there is still a way to go on util the reforms are implemented.
We will keep members informed about developments, and what it will mean for our fire protection members in terms of the transition arrangements to the new model.
Members can read more about the proposed fire safety reforms at: